Special interest and corporate media in printed and digital formats.

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Founder: Uniastrum Bank
MEDIACRAT services: creative & commercial management
Duration: December 2005 - June 2009
Format: monthly client newspaper
Circulation: 170,000

In 2006, at the III annual contest 'The Leader of Corporate Publishing in Russia', GBG [City Banking Newspaper] was recognized as the best client-oriented corporate publication.

In 2007, GBG was recognized as the Best of Corporate Publishing at the international Forum Corporate Publishing.

Between December 2005 and June 2009 MEDIACRAT was commissioned by Uniastrum Bank, one of the leaders in Russia's banking sector, to provide creative and commercial management services for the GBG [City Banking Newspaper].

This project could without exaggeration be called unique on the Russian media market: in essence, the GBG is the only specialised banking publication of its kind designed for the broadest of audiences.

The newspaper's primary objective was to convey to consumers clear and factual information about banking products and services. It was based on this customer-defined objective that MEDIACRAT developed the concept for the publication. One of the newspaper's unique traits were its hand-drawn illustrations. The editorial concept of this publication also dovetailed with its primary objective and was based on the following three principles: simplicity, brevity and accuracy of information provided by the newspaper.

The publication was available at all Uniastrum Bank branches. It was also circulated as a supplement to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.