Special interest and corporate media in printed and digital formats.

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The Big Book of Russian Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Volume "Industry" – 10 stories from the captains of the domestic industry. A narrative about a career path, business, goals, tasks, rules of life, philosophy of a corporate leader from Andrey Boginsky (Russian Helicopters), Andrey Guryev (PhosAgro), Alexey Mordashov (Severstal), Vikram Punia (Pharmasyntez), Yury Slyusar (UAC), Alexei Rakhmanov (OSK), Dmitry Rogozin (Roscosmos), Igor Rybakov (Technonicol), Anatoly Chubais (Rusnano), Vladimir Shcherbakov (AVTOTOR).

Volume "Business" – 10 in-depth interviews with founders and leaders of unique companies. Norms, values, rules, principles and algorithms together with reflections on pure luck and dedicated effort, analysis of the changing business climate and the possible future of their industries from Roman Avdeev (Rossium), Gregory Baltser (BALTZER), Alexander Gentsis (Diasoft), Dmitry Kostygin (Ulmart), Mark Kurtser (Mother and Child), Mikhail Kuchment (Hoff), Ilya Sachkov (Group-IB), Samvel Stepanyan (Yerevan Plaza), Mikhail Shamolin (Segezha Group).